The results are in...
Study after expert study concludes arts education is the special ingredient helping our young people learn better in school. Do better at math. Perform better at complex, higher-order thinking tasks. Achieve better reading and language skills.

Arts education plays a remarkably powerful role in the education of our young people for 21st Century jobs and happy, successful lives.
Not only must we support arts educators in our schools, we must constantly remind the rest of the schools' community – parents, school administrators, school board members and the business community – about the importance of quality arts education experiences.
Promoting arts education is a special kind of advocacy that depends on the power of grassroots outreach and the involved commitment of people like you who appreciate how much educational excellence can be enriched by arts education.
Arizona’s official education policy says the arts must be taught in our K-8 schools

Source: 2018 Arts Education Data Project sponsored by the Arizona Department of Education, the Arizona Commission on the Arts and Arizona Citizens for the Arts, and produced by Quadrant Research from information reported in the education department’s Statewide Longitudinal Data System.