Presented by Arizona Citizens for the Arts in partnership with the Office of the Governor.
Please note - The 39th annual Governor's Arts Awards has been postponed due to concerns over the COVID-19 outbreak.

Purchase a Table or Individual Tickets
by Deadline: Friday, March 20
Finalists for the 2020 Governor’s Arts Awards will be announced during FIVE celebratory receptions for the artists, arts organization, businesses, educators and individuals nominated from across Arizona.
Join us as we celebrate all of the nominees and announce the honorees for the 39th annual Governor's Arts Awards for their substantial and outstanding contributions to arts and culture statewide.
Governor's Arts Awards Gala
March 26, 2020
Mesa Arts Center
1 East Main Street | Mesa, AZ
5:30 – 7:15 Reception
7:30 – 9:00 p.m. Awards Presentation
9:00 – 10:00 p.m. After Party
A premium reserved table at the reception, a row of ten seats for the awards presentation, a half-page, full-color ad in the ON Media commemorative program, the opportunity to host a state legislator and his/her guest, special listing on the event website and the event program; year-round recognition as a Partner on the AzCA website. (We respectfully note that hosting arrangements for members of the Legislature will be coordinated by Arizona Citizens for the Arts.)
A reserved table for at the reception, a row of ten seats for the awards presentation, the opportunity to host a state legislator and his/her guest, a special listing in the event program.
For non-profits arts and culture organizations who are current with their dues to Arizona Citizens for the Arts, a reserved table at the reception, a row of ten seats for the awards presentation, the opportunity to host a state legislator and his/her guest, and a special listing in the event program.
Contact Sarah to learn about becoming a member with us
The deadline to submit an ad for the commemorative program is February 20, 2020.
Purchase a full or half-page ad in the ON Media commemorative program. Advertise your organization, performance season, upcoming special event or pay tribute to the finalists, Philanthropy Honoree and Shelley Award Winner.
If you wish to inquire about reservations or have questions, contact Sarah Cirelli at 602-253-6535 or sarahcirelli@azcitizensforthearts.org. Tickets range from $250 - $300 per person and a portion of each ticket is tax deductible.
Governor's Arts Awards History
Since 1981, more than 200 distinguished Arizona artists, arts organizations, businesses, educators, and individuals have been recognized for their passion, creativity and devotion to the excellence and diversity of Arizona’s arts and cultural community.
Beginning in 2006, The Shelley Award also has been presented annually to an Arizona individual who has advanced Arizona arts and culture through strategic and innovative work to create or support public policy beneficial to the arts in Arizona. The award is named for Shelley Cohn, who spent more than 25 years as executive director of the Arizona Commission on the Arts.
The Governor’s Arts Awards event is much more than a tradition. The awards reflect more than three decades of the best in Arizona’s arts and culture community and the magnificent contributions they’ve made to our state’s arts and cultural heritage.