On November 8th there may be something that you can do in your very own neighborhood for your local public school.
Many school districts all over our state will hold elections in November that usually get very little attention. These are special elections to authorize either bonds to fund school district capital expenses, or overrides – which allow local schools to assess local tax adjustments that put money directly into local classrooms.
Funding provided by overrides directly impacts arts education.
One of the first things to be cut in school budgets are art and music programs. In some cases, these ballot measures will allow schools to reinstate programs that have been lost due to budgetary cuts. In other cases, they will allow schools to maintain and improve programs in place.
Few people vote in these elections, and that means a very small percentage of our citizens directly affect how much money is spent in local schools – maybe in your very own neighborhood school.
Visit AZ ED News for more information, to learn how bonds and district overrides support schools and a list of districts holding elections.