Need more info?
Nonpartisan voter information is available from a number of sources. Among them is the Arizona Citizens Clean Elections Commission which provides information about candidates for state offices, and mails a Voter Guide to registered voters.
More information about the arts and culture issues at stake in this election are available from these sources.
In the News
2018 Legislative Arts Champions
Arizona Citizens for the Arts
Arizona Debates Schedule 2018
Arizona PBS
Why the Superintendent Race is So Important
The Arizona Republic
Elections 2018
The Arizona Republic
Candidate Endorsements & Surveys
Greater Phoenix Chamber of Commerce
Understanding Arizona’s Ballot Propositions
In addition to voting for candidates at the state, local and school board level, Arizona voters also are being asked to decide five propositions to change Arizona law. Four of them would amend the Arizona Constitution; two of them were referred to the ballot by the State Legislature; two were initiatives through voter petitions, and one was the result of a voter signature-gathering process to repeal a measure by the State Legislature and approved by the Governor. From energy, to taxes, to school financing, the outcome of these votes will impact the lives of Arizonans. Learn more about them here.
What else is on the ballot?
The November ballot will also feature many local elections for community college district governing boards, local school bond and finance issues, judges, city council members, and numerous local spending and governing policy issues. Visit the Arizona Clean Elections site for a list of all of the items on your ballot.
Federal funding for Arts & Culture
Arts and culture in Arizona benefits from three investments by three federal agencies devoted to promoting the availability and accessibility of arts, culture and humanities.
Support from these agencies contributes in excess of $5 million a year to Arizona arts organizations, museums and other culture institutions and libraries. Learn more about their work here.
National Endowment for the Arts
National Endowment for the Humanities
Institute for Museums and Library Services
What Americans Believe About the Arts
Americans for the Arts
2018 Congressional Report Card
Americans for the Arts Action Fund
AZ Commission on the Arts
The Arizona Commission on the Arts (ACA) is a 52-year-old agency of the State of Arizona (A.R.S. 41-981) authorized to deliver grants, programs and services that contribute to the availability of arts programming and services for the benefits of Arizona citizens. It is governed by a 15-member Commission appointed by the Governor, and is funded by various state-funding streams and matching grants from the National Endowment for the Arts.
Visit the ACA website for information on state-sponsored grant programs and activities, and an archive of important information about the arts industry.