Arizona artists are invited to submit up to six works of art for consideration in “Tiny Art Exhibit,” a 2-D exhibit for display at the new Herberger Gallery@Arizona Center (455 N. Third St, Suite 1200 in Phoenix), January 20 – March 9, 2017.
Art is art, no matter how tiny it is. All artwork must be 12″x12″ or smaller and no more than 15 lbs.
Guest curators are Connie and A O Tucker. Artists are selected to display and sell their work through a blind jurying process, based on relevancy to the noted theme, originality and quality of execution. Must be 18 and older. Click here for prospectus.
Deadline: November 30, 2016 – postmarked or hand-delivered to the Box Office (M-F, 10am-5pm)